i eye in our Passion

Direction / Painting

ieye (internet eye : スマホを見るぼーっとした目) 時代以前にパッションを炸裂させていた人物をスマホケースに描き、ieyeが見つめる先にあるスマホケースの集合体からもパッションを感じて欲しいという願いを込めて制作した。Mick Jagger, Amy Winehouse, Jim Jarmuschをスマホケースに閉じ込めた。

I drew people who were bursting with passion before the ieye (internet eye: blank eyes looking at a smartphone) era on the smartphone cases, and created this with the hope that people would feel the passion from the collection of smartphone cases that ieye is looking at. I trapped Mick Jagger, Amy Winehouse, and Jim Jarmusch in the smartphone cases.


SNS の波に乗って、my eye を発言し続ける彼は今年79歳。

A powerful woman with a unique singing voice that is unlike anyone else's.
Every song is recognizable as hers upon first listen.
Her eye, flicked back with strong eyeliner, gives the impression of a keen insight into the current ieye era.

Amy Winehouse

強烈なアイラインの弾かれた彼女の eye は
今のieye の時代を鋭く見ているように感じる。

He's been shouting with that big mouth since before there were smartphones, the internet, or even flip phones.
Riding the wave of social media, he continues to say "my eye" and is 79 years old this year.
His face is full of wrinkles, but his eyes have a lifeless look.
How old is your father?

Jim Jarmusch

巨大なレンズの向こうから覗く彼のクリアーな瞳は、ieye 達から究極のユーモアを曝け出させる。

His clear eyes peering from behind the huge lens bring out the ultimate humor in the ieye.
His thick lips seem to be murmuring,
"You're not as great as you think you are."

Exhibition in haydEn

Exhibition in haydEn

押上のスカイツリー近くにあるカフェ haydEnにて1ヶ月に及ぶ個展をさせていただいた。シックな色合いの店内に、ビビッドなieye のスマホケースアートを3点展示。大量のieyeが描かれたスマホケースを天井から吊り下げて参加型アートも設置。等身大のアクリル板をスマホケースの形にカットして、巨大なieyeが描かれたスマホケースをお客さんたちと一緒に華やかなmy eye に変えていく参加型アートを実施。

I had a one-month long solo exhibition at the cafe haydEn near the Skytree in Oshiage. In the chic interior of the shop, I exhibited three vivid ieye smartphone case art pieces. I also set up a participatory art installation by hanging a large number of smartphone cases with ieye painted on them from the ceiling. I cut a life-sized acrylic panel into the shape of a smartphone case, and together with the customers, I transformed the smartphone case with the giant ieye painted into a gorgeous my eye.

Participatory Art

Participatory Art

アクリル板でできた等身大のスマホケースに巨大な ieye を描き、その周りに来客者の方々に好きな言葉やイラストをマーカーで書き足してもらい華やかな myeye に変えていく参加型アートを実施した。

A participatory art event was held where a giant ieye was painted on a life-sized smartphone case made of acrylic, and visitors were asked to add their favorite words and illustrations with markers around it, turning it into a gorgeous myeye. At the end, I painted the backside with acrylic paints, co-creating and completing an art piece with the participants. The painting took place live in the cafe, with customers present.