What does PERIOD mean to you ?

What does PERIOD mean to you?
I listened to the voices of people of all ages, genders, and nationalities about PERIOD and incorporate them into POP clothing.
I want to go beyond the image of “you can't touch it.”
I want it to be an opportunity for everyone to think about it.


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Goldfish bowl and Intersection

Goldfish bowl and Intersection

【Story Line】

“I” was forced to take care of my grandmother, whom I did not want to do. When his accumulated negative emotions explode, he wanders into a world where his memories of his grandmother collide with his own. The image of my grandmother that I once saw there gradually melted away the emotions inside me. The superposition of the time that “I” and my grandmother have lived will be the beginning of a new time for the two of us.

Director : Marin Tanabe (Summer Hate Workers)
Writer : Naruya Fukuhara(Summer Hate Workers) / Issei Boda(Summer Hate Workers)
Cinematographer : Yoshiki Tamura / Marin Tanabe
Edit : Marin Tanabe

Boy : Kenyu Miyazaki
Grandma : Kimie Tanabe
Man : Kosei Minegishi
Woman : Sakura Niina
Narration : Naruya Fukuhara

Music : Gee

Special Thanks
Natsuki Miyazaki
Akari Naoi

Production : Summer Hate Workers

MARIN’s Artworks

2020 - 2022